Ferry And bussing information 2025
Click the week below to sign up for bussing to and from the ferry.
what to expectYawgoog Scout Reservation will provide bus transportation for those units confirming their needs with the Bucklin Office Staff by the Tuesday prior to their week at Camp. Transportation can only be provided for the above Ferry times. The cost for this service is $15.00 round trip per person. Registration for bussing from the Ferry should be done at least 30 days in advance. All bus fees are separate from and in addition to Ferry fees. All bus payments are due with final Troop payments, thirty days prior to arrival at Camp. Adults from each Troop must accompany their Scouts on the Bus. |
Ferry ReservationsFerry Reservations are an absolute must! Ferry Reservations must be made between June 1 and June 30! PLEASE NOTE THAT THE FERRY FEES ARE SEPARATE FROM AND IN ADDITION TO BUS TRANSPORTATION COSTS. In regards to the Ferry, please call Camp Yawgoog only with bussing concerns. All other Ferry Info and Reservations call: (860) 443-5281 https://www.longislandferry.com Times and transportationGoing to Camp Yawgoog: 10:00 AM Ferry from Orient Point, New York Leaving Camp Yawgoog: Take either the 1:00 pm or 1:30 pm ferry PM Ferry from New London, Connecticut on SATURDAY for 2025 |